With the help of TJ and Rob, we got the Rock Hard 4×4 Sport Cage installed, or at least fitted. Mostly. Once I get the trim and the roll bar pads and covers cut to fit, I’ll disassemble it and get it powder coated.
I still have to figure out one issue. Neither of the lower bolts on the door seam are lining up properly in the tapped holes in the uprights. I need to shoot an email to RH and see what my options are. I may have to plug weld the old hole in the upright and drill/tap a new one.

You can see in this photo where the hole isn’t lining up. I double and triple checked the location of the drilling template. Unless I did something wrong, or the template is off, or something. If the hole was in the “right” place, there wouldn’t be any way to get the button head screw in there, it will be too close to the corner.