Got a lot done on the Jeep. Suspension is almost all wrapped up.
I still need to get the steering stabilize remounted. I hated the old mount. I took some measurements to build a custom mount that I will weld onto the track bar mount.

Teraflex big rotor kit is done. These rotors are beefy. I should be able to hold the Jeep on an incline and not feel like I have to put all my weight on the brake pedal.

When I was torquing all the bolts, I notices the passenger lower shock mount skid was worn almost all the way through. Wow. This started out as 3/16″ steel. I guess I drag my ass just a little too much. LOL! A little weld and some grinding it smooth took care of that. I might come back later and add an additional piece of plate steel to the bottom of this skid.