Axle build progress

A few quick updates.

While the axles were still in progress, I figured it was as good a time as any to replace the inner axle seals on the front housing. Rob came over and we went to work. I need to preface this by saying neither of us had ever done this before. But the procedure seemed simple enough. Remove the locker, replace the seals, put the locker back in. It’s important to make sure that everything you take out has to go back in the same way. The shims, bearing races, bearing caps and bolts all need to go back into the same side and orientation as they came out.

First step, we put the housing up on the bench.

After rotating it pinion down, opened the housing, snapped a few pictures for reference, and removed everything. I put each piece into a ziplock baggie with a piece of paper that indicated where it came from.

The seals didn’t look bad, but, too late now. Took a piece of soft copper pipe and knocked out the seals from the outside into the housing, keeping sure not to knock any crap inside.

A fellow Jeeper was kind enough to ship me his Yukon seal press. this thing makes it a snap to install seals. I cleaned everything out and made sure there was no crud or grease where the seals were going. 

At Andy’s suggestion, I coated the outside of the seals with red lock tite. After setting one of the seals in place, and inserted the press, it was just a matter of using a wrench on the nut to press it into place. The other side was just as easy.

After the seals went in, it was time to put the locker back in. That did not go as well as planned. As hard as we tried, we couldn’t manage to get the locker and shims back in at the same time. I tried putting the locker in with the shims on one side, then slipping the other side in, that didn’t work. We tried to get both sets of shims in at the same time, and it just wasn’t going in right. We tried just about everything, using a hammer to try and tap the shims in, but I ended up damaging the shims to the point where I no longer trusted they would be usable.

I ended up taking everything back to Davis Race Car in Madison, OH and within about 20 minutes, with the help of a case spreader, we had everything back in with new shims. Jason Davis seemed to think the locker was in a little tighter than he normally would do, but there was nothing wrong with this install. Ran a quick contact pattern and it was perfect. The case spreader made a bug difference. Just needed to stretch the case a few thousandths of an inch.

Before taking the axle up to Davis, we installed the ball joints. I bought a set of Teraflex Heavy Duty ball joints and rented a ball joint press from Advanced Auto. The only problem was this set did not come with an angled adapter to match the angle of the steering yoke. A little with work with a grinder solved that. 

Still need to grease these, and Teraflex guarantees these for life, as long as they are properly maintained – a little grease every other oil change should do it.

Getting closer

I’m hoping to get the axle seals swapped out on the front this weekend. If I can get that done, I can go ahead and put the front together as much as I can – ball joints, steering knuckles, axle shafts and bearings. They’ll be ready to go in after that. I still have to work on the wiring, however, for the lockers.

My hope is, I will be ready to install them either the weekend of the 5th or the 12th. I really have no idea how long this will take – my guess is 4 hours each, so I might do this over Saturday and Sunday – who knows.

SOOOOO …. If you’re in the Akron, OH area and feel like helping with an axle swap, send me a PM. Bring a heater.

Rust is the enemy

I spent Saturday doing more work on the axle housings. Today was rust prevention and paint! With 60+ degrees, this was the best day I was going to get for a while.

Finished taping off parts of the housing I didn’t want painted – locker plugs, pinion yokes, diff covers, etc. and applied 3 coats of Rust Bullet Automotive. This stuff, I am told, is pretty awesome for preventing rust. Needs 50+ degrees for ideal temp, so today had to be the day. But you have to follow the directions. Comes in cans, and it is expensive. The quart I bought was $45. Plus there is a special solvent you have to use. No way I was going to brush it on, so I bought an HVLP gravity feed spray gun.

You just need to remove the loose scale, although I went a little better than that, and paint it on. The Rust Bullet reacts with the rust and hardens it, locking it in place. I had to apply at least 3 coats (to get .0006 inches), waiting no less than 4, and no more than 6 hours between coats. Any longer and you have to wait 24 hours, scuff everything with 150 grit sandpaper, before you can apply another coat. First coat went on at around 10:00 this morning. Then at 2:30 and again at 7:00.

Roughly 4 hours later, I applied the top coat of matte black. You have to apply the top coat within 6 hours as well, or you have to scuff it up again. I’ve heard that if you don’t do this, the top coat will just peel off. I screwed up and only ordered one can of black paint. Got lucky and it covered everything. I’ll go back in a couple days and apply a second and maybe third coat of black.

Still to do:

* Replace axle seals
* Install ball joints, steering knuckles, unit bearings and axle shafts
* Install diff covers
* Install and wire switches for lockers
* Install axles!

Sprinkles the Unicorn

When I ordered the LEDs, I decided to put something in the Special Instructions box that everyone else leaves blank.

I entered something to the effect of “Please include an original drawing of a Unicorn. Your artwork will be judged on originality and effort and not accuracy. Please give it a name.”

I noticed this on the bottom of the box today as I WAS about to throw it away. A+

This little light of mine …

Teraflex HD ball joints came in, plus the Lube Lockers came in today. I almost didn’t get the LLs but I figured – might as well. LOL!

Took a little break from the axle for a cheap upgrade to the interior lights. Ordered a few of replacements from Super Bight LEDs for the license plate light and the interior lights. Definitely a noticeable improvement in brightness. Any brighter, and they’d probably be annoying.

License plate:


The part number for these was WLED-CW5-CBT (cool white). For $3.95 a piece, and $2.99 for shipping, how could I go wrong?

Parts is parts

Painted the steering knuckles and diff covers.

Still need to clean off the machined surfaces on the knuckles with a Dremel.

Got the bearings in today. These are NOT what the cross reference says I should use for a 2014. The only difference was the length of the ABS wire. These were much easier to find and a lot cheaper.

I’ll be ordering the Teraflex ball joints and some Lube Lockers this weekend.

That’s not supposed to do that.

A couple of updates.

Got the housings back from Davis Race Car on Saturday morning and the situation was much better than expected. Jason went ahead and took apart the rear carrier and the pinion to make sure everything was OK. Everything checked out just fine. He did notice the bulkhead connector for the locker was broken, so he replaced that. Put it all back together and installed the stock pinion flange. Even after all of that, the total bill was only $65.13. He could have easily charged me a lot more. Super nice guy. He came highly recommended, and now I know why.

Davis Race Car is about 45 miles from my house. I borrowed a trailer from my old boss for a while to drag the housings from place to place. Went and picked them up, got about 500 feet from my house and CLANK, CLANK! I looked in my side view mirror and saw the front housing hanging over the side of the trailer by the ratchet straps I tied it down with. Oops. I don’t believe it hit the ground, but pretty scary. I lifted it up and put it back on the trailer. I wish I had taken a picture. No harm, no foul. But I’m glad it happened on my street than at 75MPH.

After I got them home, I was looking over the axles, and noticed this:

This is where the truss on the driver’s side is welded to the pumpkin. Not sure what happened. It could have been related to the above mishap, but could have also been a cold weld? Texted Andy and took them back to his place Saturday evening.

All fixed! Thanks, Andy!

Good news and bad news

Quick update on the gear situation.

I took the axle housings to Davis Race Car in Madison, OH to have Jason take a look at them, just to set my mind at ease. After checking the backlash on both the front an rear, they were BOTH within spec. The front was .006 and the rear was .007. The patterns were acceptable. Great news!

My great news was short lived. 

While I was there, I wanted him to replace the rear pinion yoke with a stock flange, so it would mate with my rear drive shaft. Once he removed the yoke and started tightening down the pinion nut on the flange, the pinion quit moving. Which means there is either no crush sleeve in the pinion, or it was over tightened prior. We hadn’t even started torquing down the nut enough to even start to crush it, had it been intact.

So rather than take any chances, I decide to leave them both there, have them each disassembled and the pinion checked. The gears were fine, they will not be replaced, at least not at this point, unless he finds something else. Plus, I’m going to have him replace the inner seals while he is in the front.

I have really broken the budget on this mod, I think I’ve pretty much shattered it. LOL!

BUT, I am still ahead of the game had I gone a different direction (i.e. new housings, etc.)

More heat …

Well, another 90 minutes, and another 1/2 bottle of MAP gas (not really, it just felt that way) and the other side is done!

The top one came out fairly quickly, less than 10 minutes. The bottom, as expected, was MUCH more difficult. I had to heat it up repeatedly. Got out the wire wheel and cleaned all of the rust off of the top of the joint and the adjacent C. Even used a little Pb Blaster after the heat, and then applied more heat. I’m wondering if that didn’t help more than I think.

I’ve helped do ball joints a couple times before, and by far, these were the most difficult. I’m sure there are quite a few factors that went into that.

I also completely removed the rear shafts. Hoping to take these to a drive line shop on Saturday to have them checked out and anything I can make it easier, and less labor, and cheaper, I’m going to do.