Everyone else was doing it, why not me? My version of a helmet hook for my welding gas bottle. Video on my YT page.
Not obvious to most, but some of you will see…
Not obvious to most, but some of you will see the 2×72” belt grinder hiding beneath the plastic covers.
Only took me 3 years to finish this little cabinet for our downstairs powder room.
Only took me 3 years to finish this little cabinet for our downstairs powder room. Made from square tube, angle iron and fake antique wood. I turned the handles on the lathe. And used a chemical to rust then metal before sealing it. I like it. Happy with how it turned out.
Firewood Rack
We had a large maple tree removed from our backyard recently. The tree was in bad shape and we felt it was a good time to have it removed. I asked the crew to cut up and leave one of the large limbs so I could split it for firwood to be burned in our fire pit.

I wanted to keep it dry while it seasoned, so I designed and built this firewood rack. It was a simple project, and the first time I decided to record building something just for YouTube.
I need some help from any wood or metal workers out there.
I need some help from any wood or metal workers out there. I am designing this storage unit to hold an album collection in drawers. But I am finding it difficult to locate full extension drawer slides that are fully concealed below the drawer. Any thoughts or ideas would be great to hear!