I need a new peoject! Can’t wait to burn some more steel.
Making use of the parts rack I built a month or so back.
Making use of the parts rack I built a month or so back. I used to just stack these containers and it was impossible to find what I needed.
A while back, the Mule’s chariot needed modified.
A while back, the Mule’s chariot needed modified. I bought a weight distribution hitch and the tool box that was welded to the tongue was in the way. A little grinding and a few stitches 😬later, and it was off. Welded it back on today with some spacers to clear the hitch brackets. First time using flux core wire – since I was outside and figured the gas would not be as reliable. Welds a lot different than solid wire. Not my best work, but it’s not going anywhere. .
The Mule needed some space
The Mule needed some space and organizing the garage needed some custom furniture. Designed this rack in SketchUp and put the @hobartwelders 175 to use.
Now we’re cooking with gas!
Now we’re cooking with gas! Well, actually, 175 amps and C25 gas. 😂 Finally got the 220 outlet wired up in the garage.