Train Trestle Tuesday!
Still cleaning some of that Moab Mud off the Jeep
Still cleaning some of that Moab Mud off the Jeep and it’s been 3 months already.
Throwback thursday to that time I met @ianfrombigtiregarage
Throwback thursday to that time I met @ianfrombigtiregarage at Easter Jeep Safari.
When in doubt, throttle out!
When in doubt, throttle out! Trying to get up the final obstacle at the end of Cliffhanger. This must be where I pinched my brake line.
Photo by @tjpowellnet
Coming back up the Cliff Hanger trail in Moab.
Coming back up the Cliff Hanger trail in Moab. Still can’t get over this place.
One of my favorite pictures of me and the Mule.
One of my favorite pictures of me and the Mule. ⠀
Photo by @tjpowellnet
Why did the cow cross the road? To get to the “udder” side.
The view from these trails is astonishing.
All lined up and ready to go!
When I was out in Moab …
When I was out in Moab, just as we were getting off of Cliffhanger, I managed to pinch my driver front brake line and sprung a leak . I found a replacement, but it was about 3” shorter. It got me back home, but if I flexed out again, I’d probably snap it or worse. Finally replaced it with a new @rock_krawler steel braided one.