I’ve seen one of these made by Ideal Tool, but never one by @starrett_tools! Pretty cool. But it is for sale.
Sweet flea market score! Got this vintage caliper for only $5! And the guy throu
Sweet flea market score! Got this vintage caliper for only $5! And the guy through in that old @starrett_tools vernier for free! I mean, the Fowler is Swiss Made, after all.
Scored this nearly complete Starrett 196B back plunge dial indicator. It appears…

Scored this nearly complete Starrett 196B back plunge dial indicator. It appears to be missing one of the ground rods. I’ll have to keep my eye out for an orphan.
Check out my other won bids in my latest YouTube video as well as some shop updates and new channel stickers.
The generosity of strangers never ceases to amaze me.
The generosity of strangers never ceases to amaze me. I reached out on a local community Fakebook group to see if my town had any other hobby machinists. Hoping to make a friend or two. Not only did I make a new friend, but since he recently retired, he gifted me some of the tools he still had but no longer needed. Wow. Just wow. Made my day. I am honored to be the new custodian of these tools.
Latest auction score.
Lates auction score. 18” x 24” grade B surface plate for less than $40. Might need to build a cart/stand for this one. Debating on if I should keep the Starrett 12” x 18” since my shop is on the small size.