I hit the 1K subs mulestone on my YoooTooob channel! Yay! To celebrate, I’m giving some cool stuff away to a handful of subscribers. Go check out my latest video for details!
Absolutely beautiful baby smooth finish.
Absolutely beautiful baby smooth finish. Something about a shaper that is difficult to reproduce on other machines.
I have no idea what I am doing.
This little bugger was what was keeping the saddle power feed from working.
This little bugger was what was keeping the saddle power feed from working. It’s a detent plunger that sits under the shaft for the power feed. It was rusted in place. A little penetrating oil (a lot) and some heat (not so much) and an internal pipe extractor and it’s out! The handle moves freely and the power feed is operational! Woohoo!
It’s Alive! The K&T 2 HL had 3 phase power now and starts right up!
I was examining some of the parts of the Bridgeport mill.
I was examining some of the parts of the Bridgeport mill that I have already removed when I noticed this. 😭🤑
New to me machine moving day!
I haven’t quite decided if this is where these machines will live permanently.
I haven’t quite decided if this is where these machines will live permanently. But here is where they will be for a while.
I cannot tell you just how excited I am today!
I have all this steel scrap from the closed machine shop a lot better organized
I have all this steel scrap from the closed machine shop a lot better organized than buried in boxes and buckets.